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Beyond the Barriers to Meaningful Communication 

Residential Retreat 14-16 June 2019

UK (Location to be confirmed)


What are we missing in our connection with others?  


What gets in the way of our connection with others? 


What is it like when relationships, at work and at home, are deeply meaningful and alive?


I'm inviting you to join me for a long weekend retreat in a stunning location in the UK to explore these questions and move towards more aliveness and meaning in relationship.


I have worked with people from all over the world in organisations across numerous sectors and throughout all levels of hierarchy.  And yet in conversation, all of the apparent differences that separate all those people dissolve.  Because ultimately, every person we’ve worked with is a human being, with hopes, dreams, fears, worries. And each one with the fundamentally human desire to connect, to be with, to be heard, seen, understood.


Each of us, in our relationships with those around us, has a unique impact and a unique opportunity to help others discover and see themselves. And in turn each person has a unique impact on us and can help us know ourselves more intimately.


I have myself faced the distance and the barriers to connection in my professional life.  And since 2014 I have lived the transformative experience of deep human connection and the expanded capacity to co-create from it.  And this is what I want to share with you. 


What you'll experience on the retreat is how to:


  • cultivate meaningful relationship and the rich flow of energy that is created from that 

  • work intimately with others to deepen your understanding of who you are at this time 

  • live the dynamic flowing exchange between people that amplifies and opens what is possible

  • explore the source of true co-creativity and how immediately enriching and productive it can be

  • be fully authentic 

  • access the resilience and flexibility needed to face life's challenges


The long-weekend retreat will be highly experiential and will also include time for reflection, enjoying the simple pleasures of life and, of course, connection with others.  I believe that reconnecting with nature is an essential element and there'll be time and space to be in the beautiful surroundings.


Who is it for?
  • Individuals who want more authenticity, aliveness and fulfillment in their relationships at work and at home

  • Team leaders, entrepreneurs & business owners who understand the benefits of connection and want more meaningful relationships with their teams and business partners

  • Sales and commercial functions who want to learn to co-create resilient and profitable long-term relationships with clients and colleagues

  • Facilitators and trainers who like to innovate while creating learning


Ready to step into this transformative experience with me?


For info on future retreats

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Previous participants' thoughts on their experiences:

Nobler Path workshops are "quite different from any I've experienced before - immediately applicable"

"Lightness and positivity, the playful aspect of the workshop, although the essence is essential and profound"

"Thank you for such an inspiring and eyeopening workshop - I thoroughly enjoyed it"

"A safe and friendly environment; a very positive atmosphere"

brene brown.jpg


I'm an avid skier and I often use skiing as a metaphor for leadership and for living one's life to the fullest. Along with photography and evolving business, skiing is a life-long love of mine. Doing the same slope a hundred times is always different. No two runs are the same, even if you (think you) "know" the piste.


I learned the same is true of every person, every business - they may seem superficially similar, but even when you enter a familiar company a few months later, everything has changed. With photography, skiing and business, I have to be ever present to the Now - conditions, terrain, people - and rapidly make adjustments as necessary. My time working in Investment Banking probably gave me the most extreme exposure to volatility and instant change.


We never know what the mountain, the weather and our fellow skiers might throw up out of nowhere, but when we feel confident in our skills, we know we can deal with it and enjoy the thrill of improvisation and grounded panic-free response.


I've learned to appreciate and revel in uncertainty and the unforeseeable in real life too - the unknowability of tomorrow. I lean into myself and others to create from what is here right now, to make the best of the situation.


That freedom and joy is what I feel called upon to share - to help you lean into your whole human self and the extraordinary connection with others available to you from there - to not be overwhelmed, but to live fully.


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